Baitul Ma'mur Musala Groundbreaking

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On Friday (11/05) PT Petro Oxo Nusantara held a groundbreaking event for the construction of the Baitul Ma'mur Musalla. This event was attended by the Board of Directors, Senior Managers, Representatives of the Gresik Regency Government, & Mr. K.H Mansoer Shodiq as Chairperson of the Gresik Regency MUI.

Mr Jaya Martapa as the President Director of PON said in his speech that he was very happy, if PON can contribute to the community, one of which is through the construction of this musalla, he hopes that this musalla can be used not only for PON personnel, but also local residents. And it is also hoped that this mosque can become a peaceful place of worship & a holy place to be able to reflect on ourself.

Mr. K.H Mansoer Shodiq also prayed that the presence of this musalla could provide blessings for PON and also the surrounding community.